Thursday, March 27, 2008

Horses, mothers and sons!

If it's not one then its the other! Lulu does not have horse-sickness thank goodness - she has injured her eye which has made it go all opaque and grey and it is very swollen. I have some cream that has to be put in twice a day - which she does not appreciate at all. As she is rather tall and tends to run backwards and rears up when you try to get to her eye.... puts a whole new aspect on getting ready for work in the morning! Hopefully she will not have lost the sight - will have to re-assess in 3 days time.

Well, my mum was ready to be released from hospital today but they have decided to keep her in until the social worker has come to visit her - she obviously needs more intensive care than she is currently getting and the neighbours have had enough - can't blame them it must be harrowing opening the door each day and not sure what you'll find. So, I'll wait for the results of that discussion, in the meantime I have withdrawn my passport from the queue for the Eygptian visa - not sure if I'll need it at short notice! But at least I don't have to jump on a plane today which is what I was worried about. Johan is only due back from Upington at the end of next week so would have to farm the kids out to friends, get a house sitter etc!

Michael & Sam went ice skating today to celebrate Elise's 17th birthday - Michael had a fall and has had to have 2 stitches above his eye - will have to rally around with the Panado when I get home! His face has taken quite a beating over the years - stitches and a dent from being hit by a cricket bat, then something else on the other side and now above the eye! Well, might make him look interesting!

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