Tuesday, May 20, 2008

RMB Adventure walk!

We had a really lovely day on Saturday - all the staff members of the InfoZone plus their families came for lunch, and once again we had an adventure walk for them - apple bobbing, skipping, mud throwing, walking along ropes etc - lots of fun and enjoyed by adults and children alike ! Followed by a potjie lunch and pony rides - photo's will be loaded soon!

Our walk was as follows:

RMB’s Farm Walk 2008

On the walk you must collect:
1 feather
2 wild flowers
and identify at least one bird that you see.

Along the walk there will be tasks that must be accomplished.

TASK 1: Collect two cushions for each team plus one piece of rope and go to the obstacle course in the garden.

Choose a partner and tie your legs together with your pieces of rope.

A pair at a time must - balancing a cushion on their heads –
· pass under the pole,
· climb over the bales and
· knock over the plastic cups with their noses.

Couples hop back to the starting line to give the cushions to the next pair.

Task 2: Proceed to the basketball hoop near the garages. All team members must throw a ball through the hoop before leaving.

Once every member of the team has done this - you’re off on your walk

Q: How many rolls of hay can you see as you go out of the gate?

Walk – out of the gate, diagonally to the left crossing the road, climbing through the fence, cross over the ditch to a small track heading down the hill.

TASK 3: There are a pile of sacks – each member must walk/hop in the sack from the beginning to the end of the marked area.

Continue walking to the traffic cones you can see further down the hill.

Task 4: Time to play “Simon Says” (10 instructions from team leader) and then off you go again!

Continue to walk down the hill, to the end of the ploughed section – bear slightly left and walk across the fence (on the floor) to the fire break and follow it along to the left until you reach the next clue.

TASK 5: Work out what the clue tells you to do – break the code! (Code said - Jump up and down 3 x)

TASK 6: There is a paint-tin in the middle of a circle, without crossing the circle, throw the marbles into the tin. Each team member must get a marble into the tin before you continue (parents can help little ones!)

TASK 7: Contine to walk along the fire break until you get to a marked area -from one line to another you must pass without letting your feet touch the ground. Look in your bags for the answer.
Continue along the fire break.

TASK 8: From the marked start one member of the team must throw a tennis ball straight ahead. The second member of the team must go to where it lands and throw the ball forwards from that spot. Continue until each member has thrown the ball. Keep the ball in your backpacks.

Task 9: Find a stick and make a mud ball – flick it at the target over the river with the stick – everyone must hit it before you continue. (we gave up on this one - a single flick each was enough!)

Go back to the firebreak and cross it heading up the hill. Cross the fence where marked and continue through the trees following the markers until you reach a clearing.

TASK 10: You must be hot and hungry by now- get the kids to bob for apples:
Once they each have an apple – walk on up the hill.

TASK 11: Skipping – each child must skip to this rhyme (rope turned by 2 adults please)

Blue bells, cockle shells, Easy ivy over
Oh no, here comes the teacher
with her big black stick
Now its time for arithmetic
Two plus two is?
(jumper responds) Four
Four plus four is?
(jumper responds) Eight
Eight plus eight is?
(jumper responds) Sixteen
Nows its time for spelling
Spell cat.
(jumper responds) C-A-T
Spell dog.
(jumper responds) D-O-G
Spell hot.
(jumper responds) H-O-T

(when the jumper finishes spelling HOT then they jump out and the next one goes in.)

TASK 12: Walk the Log! Each member of the team must walk along the logs without falling off.

Task 13: Fear Factor! Stick your heads in the bowl and grab a creepy crawly with your teeth!

Task 14: Stepping stones – walk from brick to brick – no falling off!

Task 15: Put on your blindfolds and follow the track (holding onto the tape)

TASK 16: Using the catapult and pebbles – try to get each team member to hit the tray.

Follow the track to the left

TASK 17: You will find some balloons. You must blow up one for each of you and then go to the marked start area. Put the balloon between your knees and walk/hop to the end without dropping/popping the balloon.

Once you have finished, leave the balloon (or carry it with you) and continue walking towards the windmill.

TASK 18: Hop along the hopscotch grid!

Task 19: Near the broken windmill are some long sticks – tie them to your legs and walk as a team along to the gate. Return the sticks once you reach the gate.

TASK 20: Rope walk (2 ropes between trees)

Each member of the team, must walk along the ropes, if you fall off you must start again.

Continue down the road back to the house . Ice creams in the kitchen!

Hand your answers in the kitchen!

We did not have time for ice creams in the kitchen - piled straight into the lunch!

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