Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Di what next - you didn't have to do this just to have some news for your blog!!!

Please note - I don't try to find things to write about in the blog - they just happen!

The above comment refers to my latest escapade! I am in the process of buying a new horse (despite having 9 at home there are none for me to ride!) and this horse belonged to a friend who needed to sell because she was going overseas. " Very quiet " "will give you lots of confidence" "can fall asleep lying down on his back when on outrides" etc etc. And he was a nice big boy, described as a "off white" - Sam got on and rode him around, although he spooked and cantered nothing weird happened and she did very well. So, on the premise that I was about to sell 2 alpacas so could afford him I said I would take him. He was also supposed to be percheron x boerperd but everybody horsey that I know thinks the percheron bit is wishfull thinking! Anyway he is big.

So the next week we went to collect him and on Sunday, Johan, Sam and I had out first outride together. None of the descriptions fit the horse I was riding, he lept sideways, danced around, zoomed off at a very fast trot with his head in the air - not quite what I expected! So I called my friend and we put him into the lunging arena - which he rushed wildy around trying to jump out of. She was astounded. We worked out that it must be the food. So for another 2 weeks he was on reduced rations (but still getting fatter all the time) and he actually changed colour - becoming a beautiful pale palomino. Anyway, he did calm down considerably so I had a lesson with the owner who taught me the way she had ridden him. Now, I have always been rather a couch potato and have had horses that just went without much effort. This one goes but if you do not control him with your legs then he is rather haphazard which was why he was so weird on the outride. She also showed me how to use my hands - tighten up at first and then when he drops his nose, bring the hands down and relax. So it all went very well - rather like sitting on a powder keg but at least I felt in control!

So, the next day, by myself, I decided to quickly saddle up and ride in the arena. Johan had gone to collect Michael from sword practice (which he is loving) so it was just sam and I. At first all went well and we walked around and then he stopped. I put my legs on and tightened up my hands (mistake) and he went backwards, not realising the message I was sending I did it again and he did a little hop. Did it again (I'm a bit slow on the uptake) and up he went, rearing up up and OVER on top of me.

Well, I was out for the count (don't mention the word "hat"!) and Sam took one look and ran screaming for John - who luckily arrived home just as it all happened. Fred (neighbour) lept over 2 6 ft fences to come and help (his son had the same kind of accident and broke his pelvis in 3 places). I woke up briefly when they were lifting me onto the top of the garden tables (dismantled from the legs) and then again as they pushed me into the back of the car and the paramedics arrived. Apparently I had been consious but talking double dutch and not remembering who Zorro (horse) was etc. So off we went to Union hospital with me esconsed on the garden table in the back of the car (Now I know the seats go down!) and off I went to casualty, X ray (no bones broken - miracle!) and a cat scan, then into the ward.

Hospitals are not restful places - the lights were on all night and they wake you up at 4 in the morning for blanket baths etc! Of course I did not have the required soap and face cloth etc but we made a plan. So the final opinion was that the muscles in my leg had snapped and I was very very badly bruised - very lucky.

On day 2 I actually managed a couple of shuffling steps with the zimmer frame - it is a very humbling experience to suddenly find yourself "old" and infirm. I had a regular visistor, Clayton from Plot 1 was in the same section (broken jaw) and so he would come to visit dragging his drip with him and I would shuffle up to him with zimmer and drip - made it more bearable having a pal on hand! So on Tuesday evening they said I could go home - they weren't going to stitch the muscles becauise "its not as though you are a comrades runner" (now I wonder what gave him that idea?)- so off I went home - still barely able to lift my foot to even put a slipper on and with a leg the size of an elephant, swollen and blue.

At home, we looked at it and really doubted that it was going to get better by itself so off to our GP the next day for his opinion - he took one look and phoned the orthopaedic surgeon in Mulbarton - off we went and he looked at it and booked me in to hospital the next day - to stitch the muscles (yay so I can run Comrades in the future!) and drain the fluid. If left, it could not possibly had reabsorbed that amount (they drained 1.5 litres) and would have got infected, septic = long time in hospital, lots of antibiotics etc etc etc. So another 2 days in hospital and then back home again with sexy white pressure stockings. Another week in bed - this time felt really lousy because I started to slur my words and not be able to focus properly - back to the GP - could be Post concussion syndrome or could have been a recation to the painkillers! So stopped the painkillers and vision and speech was restored! (Phew)

Another week in bed (poor Johan) and then was up and about again - thank goodness for automatic cars! I had to get up and going because Johan had had to take 3 weeks off work and the kids have to get to school for their exams - so I had to bite the bullet and get back into the swing of things again!

In the meantime Zorro is still eating his head off in the stable......

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